Translation Memory Window

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You cannot automatically undo changes made to the task translation as a result of applying or reapplying a translation memory. Before you apply a master or working TM, we recommend that you save the current translation. Then, if you do not want to retain the changes made by applying the TM, you can revert to the last saved version by exiting the task without saving and then reopening the task from your SDL TMS inbox.

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This topic contains the following sections: Hide

Window Description

How to Display the Translation Memory Window

How to Apply a Master or Working TM to a Task

How to Update the Working TM with New Translations

Window Description



TM Apply

Translation Memory

Select the translation memory (TM) to be applied. The translation memories that were applied to the task during pre-processing will be available for selection and the working translation memory.

Threshold to Apply

Specify the fuzzy matching threshold to be used when searching the selected TM for matches. The % threshold specifies the degree of match that must exist between the source segment and the translation memory segment before the TM translation is applied.

For example, if you select 75%, the TM translation will be leveraged into the current task where there is at least a 75% match between the TM text and the task text.


Click Apply to apply the selected TM using the settings you have specified.

Remember to save the current translation before you apply the translation memory. That way you can revert to the current version of the translation if you want to.

TM Update

Translation Memory

Select the working TM to be updated.

Note: Only the working TM can be updated from here.


When you have selected a TM, click the Update button to update the selected working TM.

How to Display the Translation Memory Window

Click Translation Memory on the Translation screen.

How to Apply a Master or Working TM to a Task

  1. On the Translation screen, click Save to save the current version of the task translation.

  2. Ensure that any segments to be excluded from the update are locked or confirmed (segments translated with a 100% TM match are automatically excluded).

  3. Display the Translation Memory window.

  4. In the Translation Memory box, select the translation memory to be applied.

  5. In the Threshold to Apply box specify the degree of match that must exist between a translation memory segment and a task segment in order for the translation memory match to be applied. If the required figure does not appear in the list, select Other to display the % box. Enter the figure in this box.

  6. Click Apply to start the process.

  7. This message is displayed when the process is finished.

  1. Click to remove the message.

  2. Check the task.

How to Update the Working TM with New Translations

  1. Click Translation Memory to display the Translation Memory window.

  2. In the TM Update box, select the working translation memory to be updated and click Update.

  3. This message is displayed when the update is complete.

  1. Click to remove the message.



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Translation Screen