The ReturnPackageCreation type exposes the following members.


Public propertyFiles
Gets the manual task files that were included in this return package. These files do not necessarily all belong to the same manual task, but they should all belong to the same project. Also, these file can be a subset of the files that were originally sent out in a project project package.
Public propertyMessages
Gets the list of messages that has been generated so far.
(Inherited from PackageOperation.)
Public propertyPackageId
Gets the unique ID of the package to which this operation relates.
(Inherited from PackageOperation.)
Public propertyPercentComplete
Gets a percentage value indicating how far the package creation has progressed so far.
(Inherited from PackageOperation.)
Public propertyStatus
Gets the current status of the project package creation operation.
(Inherited from PackageOperation.)
Public propertyStatusMessage
Gets a message providing more detail about what is currently happening.
(Inherited from PackageOperation.)

See Also