The TranslationMemorySettings type exposes the following members.


Public propertyAutoLocalizationPenalty
Gets or set the penalty applied when auto localization took place to create a translation proposal. Default: 0.
Public propertyConcordanceMaximumResults
Gets or set the concordance search maximum number of search results. Default: 30.
Public propertyConcordanceMinimumMatchValue
Gets or set the concordance search minimum match value. Default: 70.
Public propertyDatesAutoLocalizationEnabled
Gets or sets whether dates should be auto-localized when performing translations. Default: true.
Public propertyDifferentFormattingPenalty
Gets or set the penalty applied when the formatting present in the translation unit differs from the formatting present in the document segment. Default: 1.
Public propertyEventsSuspended (Inherited from SettingsGroup.)
Public propertyFilters
Gets the filters applied when searching. The specified penalty will be applied to results that do not match the corresponding filter.
Public propertyHardFilter
Gets or sets the hard filter applied when searching. Only result that meet the specified filter criteria will be returned.
Public propertyId (Inherited from SettingsGroup.)
Public propertyLongDatePattern
Gets the long date pattern for auto-localization. The default is null, which means the default long date pattern for the corresponding target language will be used.
Public propertyLongTimePattern
Gets the long time pattern for auto-localization. The default is null, which means the default long time pattern for the corresponding target language will be used.
Public propertyMeasurementsAutoLocalizationEnabled
Gets or sets whether measurements should be auto-localized when performing translations. Default: true.
Public propertyMeasurementsFormattingCustomSpace
Gets or sets the unit separator char, which must be a whitespace char or the null character (\0). The default is a standard space character.
Public propertyMeasurementsFormattingMode
Gets the measurements formatting mode. The default is Auto_FromDocument.
Public propertyMissingFormattingPenalty
Gets or set the penalty applied when no formatting is present in the translation unit. Default: 1.
Public propertyMultipleTranslationsPenalty
Gets or set the penalty applied when multiple translations are found. Default: 1.
Public propertyNumbersAutoLocalizationEnabled
Gets or sets whether numbers should be auto-localized when performing translations. Default: true.
Public propertyParent (Inherited from SettingsGroup.)
Public propertyProjectSettings
Gets or sets the project settings applied when updating the translation memory. These field values will be merged with the existing field values in case a translation unit is updated.
Public propertySettingsBundle (Inherited from SettingsGroup.)
Public propertyShortDatePattern
Gets the short date pattern for auto-localization. The default is null, which means the default short date pattern for the corresponding target language will be used.
Public propertyShortTimePattern
Gets the short time pattern for auto-localization. The default is null, which means the default short time pattern for the corresponding target language will be used.
Public propertySourceTrackChangesLookupMode
Gets or set how to handle the segments with source track changes
Public propertyStopSearchingWhenResultsFound
Gets or sets whether to stop searching when results have been found.
Public propertyTextReplacementPenalty
Gets or set the penalty applied when variable auto-substitutions applied, or text placeholder values copied from the document tag into the translation proposal. Default: 0.
Public propertyTimesAutoLocalizationEnabled
Gets or sets whether times should be auto-localized when performing translations. Default: true.
Public propertyTranslationFullSearch
Gets or set the setting which states whether to search for fuzzy matches even if an exact match is found. Default: false.
Public propertyTranslationMaximumResults
Gets or set the translation maximum number of search results. default: 5.
Public propertyTranslationMinimumMatchValue
Gets or set the translation minimum match value. Default: 70.
Public propertyVariablesAutoLocalizationEnabled
Gets or sets whether variables should be auto-localized when performing translations. Default: true.

See Also