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IAlignableTranslationMemory Interface
Represents a translation memory.

Namespace: Sdl.LanguagePlatform.TranslationMemoryApi
Assembly: Sdl.LanguagePlatform.TranslationMemoryApi (in Sdl.LanguagePlatform.TranslationMemoryApi.dll) Version: (1.14.4157.0)
public interface IAlignableTranslationMemory : ITranslationMemory2015, 
	ITranslationMemory, ITranslationProvider

The IAlignableTranslationMemory type exposes the following members.

Public propertyAlignerDefinition
Gets the AlignerDefinition that has been set for this TM, or null if there is none
Public propertyCopyright
Gets or sets the copyright string for this translation memory.
(Inherited from ITranslationMemory.)
Public propertyCreationDate
Gets the creation date of this translation memory.
(Inherited from ITranslationMemory.)
Public propertyCreationUserName
Gets the creation user of this translation memory.
(Inherited from ITranslationMemory.)
Public propertyDescription
Gets or sets a general description of the translation memory.
(Inherited from ITranslationMemory.)
Public propertyExpirationDate
Gets or sets the expiration date for this translation memory.
(Inherited from ITranslationMemory.)
Public propertyFGASupport
Returns the status of fine-grained-alignment support for the TM
Public propertyFieldDefinitions
Gets the custom fields defined for this TM.
(Inherited from ITranslationMemory.)
Public propertyFuzzyIndexes
Gets or sets the set of fuzzy indices defined on this TM.
(Inherited from ITranslationMemory.)
Public propertyFuzzyIndexStatisticsRecomputedAt
Gets the time of the last fuzzy index statistics recomputation of this TM, if available.
(Inherited from ITranslationMemory.)
Public propertyFuzzyIndexStatisticsSize
Gets the size of the TM at the point of the last fuzzy index statistics recomputation, if available.
(Inherited from ITranslationMemory.)
Public propertyFuzzyIndexTuningSettings
Gets or sets the fuzzy index tuning settings for the TM.
(Inherited from ITranslationMemory.)
Public propertyIsReadOnly
Gets a flag which indicates whether the translation provider or its underlying storage are read-only. If this flag is true, no data can be deleted, updated, or added.
(Inherited from ITranslationProvider.)
Public propertyLanguageResourceBundles
Gets the language resources which are associated with this TM.
(Inherited from ITranslationMemory.)
Public propertyName
Gets the user-friendly name of this provider. It is not necessarily unique across the system.
(Inherited from ITranslationProvider.)
Public propertyRecognizers
Gets or sets the recognizers which are enabled for this TM.
Note that changing recognizers may require reindexing. In addition, in some cases duplicate TUs may be in the TM if recognizers are enabled which have been disabled before.
(Inherited from ITranslationMemory.)
Public propertyStatusInfo
Gets the status info for the provider.
(Inherited from ITranslationProvider.)
Public propertySupportedLanguageDirections
Gets the list of language directions which are supported by this translation memory.
(Inherited from ITranslationMemory.)
Public propertySupportsConcordanceSearch
Gets a flag which indicates whether the translation provider supports concordance search in the source or the target language. For more detailed information, see SupportsSourceConcordanceSearch and SupportsTargetConcordanceSearch.
(Inherited from ITranslationProvider.)
Public propertySupportsDocumentSearches
Gets a flag which indicates whether the translation provider supports document searches and will take document (textual) context into account.
(Inherited from ITranslationProvider.)
Public propertySupportsFilters
Gets a flag which indicates whether the translation provider supports filters for text and attribute fields. If false, filters supplied in the search settings will be ignored.
(Inherited from ITranslationProvider.)
Public propertySupportsFuzzySearch
Gets a flag which indicates whether the translation provider supports fuzzy search. This value should be false if SupportsTranslation is false.
(Inherited from ITranslationProvider.)
Public propertySupportsMultipleResults
Gets a flag which indicates whether the engine may return multiple results for a search. If false, at most one result (and translation proposal) will be computed.
(Inherited from ITranslationProvider.)
Public propertySupportsPenalties
Gets a flag which indicates whether the translation provider supports penalties of various types. If false, all penalties supplied in the search settings will be ignored.
(Inherited from ITranslationProvider.)
Public propertySupportsPlaceables
Gets a flag which indicates whether the translation provider supports the detection and handling of placeables, and will return them as part of the search result.
(Inherited from ITranslationProvider.)
Public propertySupportsScoring
Gets a flag which indicates whether the translation provider produces scored results in the rank between [minScore, 100]. If false, no scores will be computed.
(Inherited from ITranslationProvider.)
Public propertySupportsSearchForTranslationUnits
Gets a flag which indicates whether the translation provider supports searching for bilingual input TUs (i.e. the SearchTranslationUnit method group). If false, the service only supports searching for simple (monolingual) segments.
(Inherited from ITranslationProvider.)
Public propertySupportsSourceConcordanceSearch
Gets a flag which indicates whether the translation provider supports concordance search in the source language.
(Inherited from ITranslationProvider.)
Public propertySupportsStructureContext
Gets a flag which indicates whether the translation provider supports a structure context specification and will consider it for searches. If false, the structure context will be ignored.
(Inherited from ITranslationProvider.)
Public propertySupportsTaggedInput
Gets a flag which indicates whether or not the translation provider engine supports processing of tagged input and will return input tags in the translation proposals. If false, the engine may drop all tags from search segments, and may not return tags in the output.
(Inherited from ITranslationProvider.)
Public propertySupportsTargetConcordanceSearch
Gets a flag which indicates whether the translation provider supports concordance search in the target language.
(Inherited from ITranslationProvider.)
Public propertySupportsTranslation
Gets a flag which indicates whether the translation provider supports translation search (exact and/or fuzzy search) and the generation of translation proposals. In most cases this flag will be true. If this value is false, the translation provider can not be used to request translations, but can still be used to search for concordance matches, if SupportsConcordanceSearch is true.
(Inherited from ITranslationProvider.)
Public propertySupportsUpdate
Gets a flag which indicates whether the translation provider supports updating/adding of translation units. If false, all update/add methods will return without effect. Note that implementations should not throw exceptions for unsupported methods.
(Inherited from ITranslationProvider.)
Public propertySupportsWordCounts
Gets a flag which indicates whether the translation provider will compute and return word counts in searches.
(Inherited from ITranslationProvider.)
Public propertyTokenizerFlags
Gets or sets the flags affecting tokenizer behaviour for this TM.
Note that changing tokenizer flags may require reindexing.
(Inherited from ITranslationMemory2015.)
Public propertyTranslationMethod
Gets the primary method how the translation provider generates translations.
(Inherited from ITranslationProvider.)
Public propertyTranslationUnitNewerThanModelCount
Gets the number of TUs that have been added subsequent to the translation model being built
Public propertyUnalignedTranslationUnitCount
Gets the number of TUs that do not have fine-grained alignment information.
Public propertyUri
Gets a URI which uniquely identifies this translation provider.
(Inherited from ITranslationProvider.)
Public propertyWordCountFlags
Gets or sets the flags affecting word count behaviour for this TM.
(Inherited from ITranslationMemory2015.)
Public methodAlignTranslationUnits
Performs fine-grained alignment on translation units
Public methodClearAlignmentData
Deletes any fine-grained alignment data from the TM
Public methodDelete
Deletes this translation memory.
(Inherited from ITranslationMemory.)
Public methodGetLanguageDirection
Gets a specified translation memory language direction.
(Inherited from ITranslationMemory.)
Public methodGetTranslationUnitCount
Gets the total translation unit count for all language directions in this translation memory.
(Inherited from ITranslationMemory.)
Public methodHasPermission
Checks whether the current user has the specified permission on this translation memory.
(Inherited from ITranslationMemory.)
Public methodLoadState
Loads previously serialized state information into this translation provider instance.
(Inherited from ITranslationProvider.)
Public methodMeasureModelFitness
Measures how well the model 'fits' the TM content, by counting out-of-vocabulary words
Public methodRecomputeFuzzyIndexStatistics
Synchronously recomputes the fuzzy index statistics of the TM.
(Inherited from ITranslationMemory.)
Public methodRefreshStatusInfo
Ensures that the provider's status information (StatusInfo) is refreshed, in case it is cached.
(Inherited from ITranslationProvider.)
Public methodSave
Saves changes made to properties of this translation memory.
(Inherited from ITranslationMemory.)
Public methodSerializeState
Serializes any meaningful state information for this translation provider that can be stored in projects and sent around the supply chain.
(Inherited from ITranslationProvider.)
Public methodShouldRecomputeFuzzyIndexStatistics
Gets a flag which indicates whether it is recommended to recompute the fuzzy index statistics (see RecomputeFuzzyIndexStatistics).
(Inherited from ITranslationMemory.)
Public methodSupportsLanguageDirection
Checks whether this translation provider supports the specified language direction.
(Inherited from ITranslationProvider.)
See Also

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